Advanced Facial Esthetics in Tulsa, OK
Address: 9445 S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, OK 74133, USA
Postal code: 74133
Phone number: 918.286.7776
Email address:
Office Hours:
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Dr. Jerome Cha, DDS, AAACD, FICOI

Dr. Cha wants to combine full mouth reconstruction with facial esthetics. He completed numerous Advanced facial esthetics trainings specializing in PRF and laser therapy to become certified in laser, PRF, Botox, and injections. He became a Care Esthetics provider believing that the best overall treatment a patient can receive is one that comes as naturally as possible from the inside out.
• Introduction To Natural Facial Esthetics with PRF
• Follow The Experts with Dr. Rick Miron
• Advanced Facial Esthetics with PRF and Laser Therapy with Dr. Catherine Davies and Dr. Richard Miron
Dr. Cha is a man who is strongly committed to his profession. He earned a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry in 1993. When he first began practicing, he aspired to be a world-class aesthetic dentist. It was a difficult start for him, and there is a fascinating narrative behind his choice of the name Hope Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry. He is constantly expanding his knowledge and honing his talents in his area. Dr. Cha is a founding member of the Oklahoma Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
Dr. Cha is married and the father of two children. He is a devout Christian. “My life is centered on serving our Lord,” Dr. Cha explained. He volunteers at their local church and gives back to his community in any way he can.
He has attempted to learn not to be judgmental while offering service. He was recently reminded of this by a recent incident. He became acquainted with a woman who had been serving a life sentence for drug trafficking and other offenses. Her difficult lifestyle had taken a toll on her teeth, and she required extensive dental repair. However, it turns out that when she was inside, she resolved to reform her life. She accepted Christ and began to make significant adjustments in her life, to the point that she was released early from prison.
She founded a women’s ministry after being released. She feared, however, that the deterioration of her smile would detract from the gospel message she desired to share with other women. Dr. Cha became acquainted with her and resolved to assist her in any way he could. He ultimately performed a full-mouth restoration on her. He was delighted to see her smile evolve, all the more so knowing she was using it to minister to the suffering and struggling women.
Dr. Cha, too, requires “downtime.” He is a self-taught photographer, and his subjects mirror his inner tranquillity. On Flickr, you may view some of his work under the name Jerome Cha.
Dr. Jerome Cha’s credentials and professional memberships:
- BA, DDS, 1993 Graduate of University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry
- Member, American Dental Association
- American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry—Accredited Member
- Written Examination Committee for American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
- Fellow of International Congress of Oral Implantologists
- Only certified TeethXpress provider in Oklahoma
- Misch International Implant Institute Prosthetic Residency
- Misch International Implant Institute Surgical Residency
- 2010 Recipient of Pierre Fauchard Award for excellence in the science and medicine of dentistry
- Oklahoma Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (Vice-President 2004-2005)
- Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation
- Medical College of Georgia / IV Sedation Certification
- Oklahoma Dental Association
- Tulsa County Dental Society
- A guest speaker at 26th International Conference on Dental Treatment in Vienna, Austria
- A guest speaker at the 32nd Korean Academy of Esthetic Dental Conference in Seoul, Korea
- Presenter at 31st American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry’s Scientific Session in San Francisco, CA
- Published articles in Contemporary Esthetics & Restorative Practice 11/2007
- Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 2009
- Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 2019
- American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry’s Virtual Campus Educator.
How Can we help
If you have any questions about CARE Esthetics or any of our procedures, send us a message by filling out the form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.