Achieve Flawless, Glowing Skin
With Modern Technology
Laser Therapy Fotona Laser

Prime Laser Therapy Treatment - Fotona Laser
At CARE Esthetics, we are dedicated to providing our patients with outstanding facial esthetics through the use of cutting-edge regenerative techniques.
Fotona Lasers is a world-renowned laser manufacturer that was established more than 50 years ago. Its highly skilled developers create state-of-the-art technology and laser systems for skin rejuvenation and other cosmetic operations.
What Are Fotona Lasers?
Fotona lasers are non-invasive devices with specialized functionalities used in facial esthetic treatments such as skin tightening, scar lightening, acne reduction, skin volumizing, and spider vein removal.
Instead of a single light wavelength, Fotona lasers include two light wavelengths to address a broader spectrum of skin disorders, resulting in enhanced regenerative skin effects without the need for surgical procedures.
Laser Therapy using Fotona Laser
CARE Esthetics centers only use Fotona Laser equipment for laser therapy treatments to provide the best possible results in treating a variety of skin problems, including the following:
- Moles, facial hairs, and facial veins
- Visible age spots
- Deep forehead wrinkles
- Noticeable crow’s feet
- Dark, droopy eyes
- Prominent laugh lines
- Thin lips

What Are the Benefits of Fotona Lasers?
Fotona Lasers are advanced tools that produce exceptional outcomes instantly after sessions. Additional reasons to consider Fotona Laser Therapy include the following:
- Tested and proven technology with more than 50 years of clinical documentation
- Extreme accuracy, tissue-selection procedures
- Minimally-invasive approaches with short duration
- 100% natural method in stimulating collagen production
- Effectively reduces fine lines and wrinkles
- Enhanced patient comfortability during the treatment process
Fotona Laser Therapy Ultimate Package
Depending on your skin conditions, our CARE Esthetics clinics offer two ultimate packages.
Continue reading to learn more about them.
Package 1
Nd:YAG Lasers
Treatment of Deep Tissues
The Nd:YAG lasers work by generating a high-energy wavelength of light that generates heat and destroys unhealthy cells when focused on a specific skin condition. The light is capable of entering deeper skin tissues and targeting collagen production selectively in a variety of skin depths and layers. When used in conjunction with Fotona-developed protocols and wavelengths, the laser’s thermal energy heats the tissue, resulting in long-lasting collagen production for skin rejuvenation.
Additionally, using Fotona’s Q-Switched technology, laser light can be converted into photoacoustic waves that physically disintegrate undesirable pigments, allowing for age spot removal while utilizing the body’s own immune system.
Nd:YAG laser treatments are less invasive and require no downtime to restore a more youthful, natural-looking appearance.
Package 2
Er:YAG Lasers
Treatment of Superficial Lesions
The wavelength of Er:YAG lasers targets the epidermis, enabling exceedingly precise layer-by-layer ablation.
The skin cells’ water content absorbs the laser energy during this painless process, and the tissue might be vaporized. This causes the treated skin to contract and stimulates the generation of new collagen, resulting in smoother, tighter new skin.
Er:YAG lasers offer the widest range of skin rejuvenation treatments (collagen remodeling, skin tightening, light peels). This all-natural skincare product is ideal for the removal of moles, tissue tags, age spots, and any other sort of surface scar.
When used with the Nd:YAG laser, laser wavelengths can produce immediate and long-lasting cosmetic results.
Why Choose Care Esthetics For Laser esthetics therapy
We perform laser techniques that are safe, fast, and comfortable.
We utilize only the most cutting-edge laser technology.
We offer laser therapies that provides beautiful results.

Fotona Laser Therapy is a prime treatment at CARE Esthetics. Enjoy a rejuvenated appearance in less than a week!
Frequent questions about Laser Therapy | Fotona Laser
Initial laser therapies are usually conducted with 2-3 sessions and approximately 1 month apart in order to rapidly stimulate the body’s healing process and collagen production, thereby ensuring the best possible facial rejuvenation results. Thereafter, skin treatments are typically recommended once per year.
Not at all! Lasers in general are virtually painless with many procedures not being felt by patients at all.
Within 3 to 5 days. The effects will last 1 year following the initial phase of treatment. Thereafter, yearly ‘touch-up’ appointments may be utilized to maintain skin texture and skin tightening.
Treatments with lasers typically last 20-30 minutes. You may return to work directly thereafter with little to no downtime if the laser treatment is performed intra-orally. With skin resurfacing, you may have redness for up to 72 hours post-therapy.