Sarasota FL Thu, 07 Oct 2021 07:49:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sarasota FL 32 32 Basics to Facial Esthetics – Facial anatomy Tue, 06 Jul 2021 13:33:17 +0000 Basics to Facial Esthetics – Facial anatomy Read More »

facial anatomy image

Aging skin is an inevitable process that occurs as we gradually get older. Several factors have been associated with this process which include both genetic and environmental factors.Exposure to sun, pollution, and various chemicals have been known to cause skin and/or DNA damage speeding the aging process.A number of changes to the skin may occur as a result including skin atrophy, telangiectacia, fine and deep wrinkles, yellowing (solar elastosis) and dyspigmentation.Furthermore, a number of additional physical/environment factors including poor diet, lack of exercise, caffeine intake, smoking and drug use are additional factors known to speed the aging process.

Facial anatomy

Facial anatomy remains one of the fundamental aspects for any facial esthetic regimen and the dentist is well situated as much educational background is provided during dental school. It remains important to understand and review facial anatomy, facial features and facial landmarks to safely implement the various therapies described. The face is comprised of various layers including the skin, connective tissue, subcutaneous fat layers as well as muscles, ligaments and underlying bone. Within this network, an array of arteries, veins and nerves also exist.

As such, the role of the clinician in understanding these facial features, characteristics and the anatomy underlying the face becomes pivotal to minimize and counteract the aging process. The desire to achieve a rejuvenated look has become increasingly popular owing to its generally lower costs associated with treatment (when compared to the 90s for instance) which has made it more frequently accessible to more individuals.

Characteristics of age-related facial anatomy changes 

Regardless of how beautiful one’s appearance was in their youth, age-related changes and loss of facial volume and features is inevitable. These are often more pronounced and specific to certain areas. A gradual loss of soft tissue occurs in the upper midface region in conjunction with a downward migration of superficial buccal fat. Consequently, the upside-down triangle associated with a youthful look becomes inversed with a larger proportion of soft tissue drooping below the midface found with aging. Both males and females tend to have different ideal characteristics when assessing overall attractiveness and the rate of aging varies between all individuals based on genetics, environmental factors, sex and ethnicity.

Subcutaneous fat and connective tissue

 The subcutaneous fat embedded in the connective tissue of the face acts as a ‘volumizing cushion’ of facial soft tissues. It plays a prominent role protecting the face from external injury but also ensures a continuous supply of essential fluids and nutrients to facial tissues. In the face, areas with high fat compartments are typically well defined and homogeneous in layer. These include the cheeks, nasolabial folds, the glabella, and the jaw-chin region. In older patients, this specific tissue decreases with age with a resulting atrophy typically caused from reduced blood flow. Notice also that a very thin subcutaneous fat layer exists in the area of the temples and forehead, and almost none exists in the periorbital and perioral region. These areas are therefore more prone to wrinkles and folds with aging and are one of the first visible sign of facial aging in individuals.

Blood supply 

A prominent and complex blood vascular network exists practically throughout the entire region of the face. The peripheral skin layers receive its blood supply from fine capillary vessels. These small vessels allow adequate diffusion into all blood layers. When injecting into areas of the face, a thorough knowledge regarding the whereabouts of the major blood vessels is crucial. This will avoid potential complications related to intravascular injections, most commonly reported with fillers. Importantly, the anatomy of the facial arteries and veins is important. 


Along with blood supply to the face, a complex innervation system exists within the face mainly from 2 sources: the trigeminal and the facial nerve. The sensory innervation of the face is provided by the trigeminal nerve. This nerve is divided into 3 branches including the V1 ophthalmic nerve which exists the orbit via the supraorbital foramen and fissure and supplies sensation to the upper part of the face. The V2 maxillary nerve which exists from the infraorbital foramen and innervates the midface. And the V3 mandibular nerve that innervates the mandibular and temporal regions.

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Close up of beautician hand making ultrasound facial procedure by special equipment. Her closed eyes with slight smile


Laser skin resurfacing uses an intense beam of light to accurately remove skin layer by layer. This procedure has been shown to minimize wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and other blemishes while tightening the skin and balancing its color. However, since lasers can do so much and have such a broad range of effects on the skin, it’s difficult to know where to begin when looking for a treatment—even a cursory search shows a slew of competing devices and methods.

We want you to be well informed rather than feel overburdened. So, before you go too deep down the Google rabbit hole, we recommend that you take a step back and read the following key points about laser skin resurfacing.


Did you know that autumn is referred to as the “laser season”? Many cosmetic surgeons suggest laser resurfacing during the fall or winter months, when daylight hours are shorter and you spend much of your time indoors. This is because laser-treated skin is hypersensitive to sun exposure for up to a year after specific procedures.

After getting laser skin resurfacing treatment, regardless of the time of year, wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day and reapply as required. This will not only keep your results looking their best, but will also protect you from skin cancer and help you avoid premature aging.


The sensation felt during laser treatments is often compared by patients and physicians to a rubber band snapping against the skin. However, the feeling of laser resurfacing varies depending on the laser used, the depth and area of treatment, and the patient’s pain tolerance.

To keep a patient comfortable during deeper ablative laser treatments, local anesthetic injections or intravenous sedation may be needed. CO2 lasers and Erbium YAG (Er:YAG) lasers are examples of ablative lasers.

Some non-ablative laser treatments—those in which the laser moves through the skin without removing layers—are relatively painless and require a topical numbing cream to alleviate discomfort. Pulsed dye, Nd:YAG, and Alexandrite lasers are examples of non-ablative lasers. Any tenderness in the treatment area is to be expected after the operation. If required, your physician will advise you on how to manage pain after laser resurfacing.


Although single laser treatment can address a patient’s concerns in some cases, most non-ablative lasers require a series of treatments to achieve the best results. This is a trade-off with a no-downtime procedure, but the effects are long-lasting after the treatment sequence is completed.


While laser treatments are usually non-surgical, not all of them are without rest. The length of time it takes to recover from laser resurfacing varies depending on the type of procedure used, as well as an individual’s health and healing rate.

Non-ablative lasers often require no downtime, while ablative lasers can require a 2- to 3-week healing period, depending on depth, until the new skin has fully healed and the final results are visible. This does not imply that you must remain at home for a month; rather, the skin will be raw, red, and scab over as it heals, so you may not feel at ease in social settings, and you’ll need to adjust your behaviors to prevent infection (swimming, gym workouts, etc.).

We recommend contacting a board-certified cosmetic surgeon if you are considering laser treatments to enhance your skin.

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Skincare Debate: PRP versus PRF Thu, 17 Jun 2021 12:55:51 +0000 Skincare Debate: PRP versus PRF Read More »


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) are autologous platelet concentrates made from a patient’s blood used to create the body’s healing serum.

When it comes to skincare procedures like microneedling and injections, the properties found in PRP and PRF make them superior to manufactured products. We use the purest and most natural source of growth factors available by drawing a patient’s blood and using their plasma for these procedures, resulting in excellent skin tone and texture, and helping with anti-aging and acne scar treatments.

What Are the Differences between PRP and PRF?

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a result of high-speed centrifugation of blood. The red, white, and stem cells in the blood are divided into two layers, with the heavier red, white, and stem cells settling at the bottom. In the meantime, the lighter platelets and plasma can be obtained from the top of an anticoagulant-containing tube.

On the other hand, PRF is the next generation of PRP. It’s a result of centrifuging blood at a low speed, which separates the blood into layers that aren’t as distinct as PRP’s. This allows for the collection of specific white cells, growth factors, and stem cells, as well as platelets, from a tube that does not contain an anticoagulant additive. These added features make PRF a much more desirable product for use in skincare treatments.

How Are PRP and PRF Used?

Microneedling with PRP and microneedling with PRF are used in med spas for anti-aging and acne scar treatments, and improving skin tone and texture, as previously described.

The said treatments are determined according to a patient’s individual’s symptoms, and can include several procedures. For example, if a patient is worried about fine lines and skin texture, microneedling can be all that is required. Injections would almost certainly be needed for deep wrinkles, under-eye discoloration, and puffiness. PRP or PRF is used in the same way as standard fillers, and Botox injections are used in this situation. The number of treatments required will be determined by the client’s desired outcome and skin condition during the initial consultation.

What Are the Steps in the Process?

The patient’s blood is extracted into either a tube containing an anticoagulant for PRP or a tube containing no anticoagulant for PRF. The sample is then centrifuged, and only the most concentrated part is drawn into a syringe for use.

What Can I Expect from PRP and PRF?

PRP is a compelling product that can help with fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scarring, although it can require many treatments to achieve the desired results. But since PRP is extracted in a tube with an anticoagulant, we have a lot of flexibility in the amount of time we can inject or microneedle it into the skin. On the other hand, since PRF is collected in a tube without anticoagulant, it can only be used within 15 minutes after the collection.

PRF treatments continue to release growth factors over time, so they have even longer-lasting effects. The most corrective and rejuvenating results come from a series of three therapies spaced 3-6 weeks apart. Due to a variety of factors such as age, skin problems, and at-home routine, treatment outcomes can differ from patient to patient.

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What is Advanced Regenerative Medicine Mon, 14 Jun 2021 12:58:06 +0000 What is Advanced Regenerative Medicine Read More »


One of the most challenging obstacles that patients and surgeons face is the body’s inability to jump-start the regeneration of diseased, damaged, or missing tissue. This problem has given rise to regenerative medicine, a field that focuses on using stem cells and specific proteins to aid in the regeneration of tissues and organs. While promising, it is clear that partnerships between engineering and science disciplines and various sectors of society such as industry, government, and local communities are needed if cost-effective tissue and organ regeneration is to become a technique accessible to all.

Regenerative engineering is a fascinating new area that brings together advanced materials science, stem cell, developmental biology, physical sciences, and clinical translation to create scalable and dependable methods for regenerating and reconstructing complex tissues and organs. It can be thought of as an area that seeks to make regenerative medicine available to everyone.

CARE Esthetics‘ Vision

To be the leading organization in disseminating regenerative engineering technology and innovation through new information, science, education, and clinical translation, serving as a valuable resource to the healthcare industry, government, academia, and the general public.

CARE Esthetics’ Mission

Building a distributed, user-friendly regenerative toolkit that allows researchers and clinicians to regenerate tissues and organs for adult and pediatric patients.


1. Develop resources that can be shared and used to regenerate diverse tissues and organs.

2. Create and sustain an environment for clinical use of regenerative technology.

3. Create a strong collaboration network among research, healthcare, business, government, and community stakeholders.

4. Educate and train regenerative engineering entrepreneurs and workforce.

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Laser Skin Resurfacing Cost Sat, 22 May 2021 11:44:11 +0000 Laser Skin Resurfacing Cost Read More »


Acne burns, fine lines, wrinkles, and Glass skin can all be reduced with laser resurfacing. We all want it, but most of us, regardless of age, cannot achieve the dewy, airbrushed glow. Using masks, scrubs, glycolic, and retinol at home to slough off dead cells will help. Chemical peels, dermabrasion, and microneedling are examples of clinical resurfacing procedures that cause minor skin injuries and can help you get there faster. When you need a supercharged solution, however, lasers are the best choice.

Lasers are excellent tools for treating various skin issues, including acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, tattoos, and loose skin.

How Do Lasers Work and What Are They?

So, just what is a laser, exactly? According to NASA, the term stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” They’re a skin-resurfacing modality used in dermatology that uses light and heat to enhance skin tone, texture, and coloration. It accomplishes this by inflicting a controlled injury on the tissue, which prompts the body to respond with a healing response that improves the appearance.

Working out causes tiny tears in your muscles, which heal and grow stronger, according to science. Lasers function similarly: they use light and heat energy to inflict regulated damage to the skin’s surface, causing the body to respond by producing a fresh coat to repair the tissue.

As a result, collagen production increased, which is a benefit that has been proven in other studies. Collagen development declines with age, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles.

Other celebrities have been promoting the results of their laser treatments on social media (Drew Barrymore’s makeup-free mug looked angelic as she gushed about the benefits of Clear + Brilliant, and Kim Kardashian makes it seem like having a personal laser guru is as essential as having a toothbrush). It’s no surprise that laser resurfacing is more common than ever before.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, laser resurfacing procedures rose by 248 percent from 2000 to 2018, from 170,951 to 600,000.

Recognize that Maintenance is up to you.

Suppose someone is going to spend time and money on a laser treatment at the doctor’s office. In that case, they must follow a healthy topical maintenance regimen at home to maximize the treatment’s results. Retinoids, vitamin C serum, and sunscreen can all be used daily at home.

Maintaining your home is essential, as is avoiding behavior habits that will cause you problems in the future. No laser will help you go out in the light, don’t use your retinoid, or touch your face and begin to break out. You’ll also need to change your attitudes. Then, as always, be careful of something that seems to be too good to be true because it most likely is.

Maintain a healthy sense of realism when it comes to your expectations.

Lasers are intense and can achieve incredible results, but they aren’t magic. Even with the most aggressive laser, results will take time, and repeat sessions may be needed, depending on your particular skin condition and the treatments you receive.

Retreatment is needed for everything that involves epithelial cells, such as your skin, nails, and hair. That’s like getting the best gel manicure you’ve ever had; you’ll always need a new one. You may get the best hair colorist in the world and still have roots. These epithelial cells will continue to turn over indefinitely. Whatever you do, you’ll need to maintain it at home regularly. And, according to the ABPS, while your findings may last many years, they aren’t final.

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What is PRF Fri, 21 May 2021 11:36:42 +0000 What is PRF Read More »


What is PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin), and how does it work?

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is a form of fibrin that contains a lot of platelets. PRF is a form of platelet-rich plasma that is called the second generation (PRP). PRF obtains platelets, white blood cells, fibrin, and mesenchymal stem cells from the patient’s blood. PRF has a slower release of growth factors than PRP and is calculated in days rather than hours. Cosmetic rejuvenation, joint pain, hair regeneration, and dental implants are only a few of the treatments used for this all-natural treatment.

What exactly is the PRF procedure?

A medical professional will extract blood from the patient and position it in a PRF tube spun in a centrifuge. PRF tubes do not contain any chemicals and are turned at a much slower rate than PRP tubes, resulting in the bulk of the cells being concentrated at the top of the PRF tube. The medical professional can remove the PRF and inject it into the patient’s intended areas through a syringe. A micro-needling system will be used in many PRF cosmetic procedures to inject the serum into the skin.

What are Platelet Rich Fibrin’s advantages?

PRF injections have similar results to PRP injections, but the growth factors are released more slowly. Since PRF can be used as a membrane, a liquid, or an injectable, it offers doctors many options.

Treatments for PRF are as follows:

  • Hair reconstruction 
  • Deflated cheeks 
  • Dental Implants 
  • Sports injuries 
  • Skin rejuvenation 
  • Loose skin and dark circles under the eyes 
  • Hair restoration 
  • Deflated cheeks 
  • Dental Implants 
  • Skin rejuvenation

PRF for Dental Implants

Many dental surgical procedures, including tooth extractions, bone grafting, dental implants, and bone pathology, use PRF. The ability of PRF to clot and generate PRF as a membrane is one of the reasons it is so common in dentistry. The growth factors help the patient recover faster, reducing pain and swelling after surgery. Wisdom tooth surgery is one of the most well-known dental procedures where PRF shines. The PRF helps the patient heal faster and reduces the risk of extraction socket infection.

What exactly is the distinction between PRP and PRF?

While platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) treat the same form of regenerative applications, there are some significant differences between the two. There are no additives in a PRF tube. PRF is spun at a slower rate than PRP, resulting in a fibrin matrix. PRF is more concerned with white blood cell growth factors. In comparison to PRP, PRF growth factors release slowly over time after injection. Find out which nonsurgical care is best for your practice by speaking with one of our experts.

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Why Get PRP Injection for Face Tue, 18 May 2021 11:21:55 +0000 Why Get PRP Injection for Face Read More »


As we addressed in a previous article, regenerative medicine provides many alternatives to surgical facelifting. To help heal and rejuvenate the skin, one approach uses growth factors contained in blood plasma. We can achieve long-term anti-aging effects when used in conjunction with therapies that add bulk to the skin. Here are some details about the various face treatments that use Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections.

PRP Facelift 

The patient’s blood is processed in a centrifuged to separate the plasma and platelets, as in any PRP treatment. The plasma is then pumped into the damaged areas of the face with a DermPen (microneedle). Collagen development and skin healing are aided by plasma. To achieve the desired results, three PRP face lifting treatments are usually needed. A maintenance treatment for PRP facelifting is generally required once a year to ensure that the skin maintains its youthful appearance.

PRP + Fat Transfer

Collagen is the face that degrades over time, and changes in bone structure and blood flow cause the skin to be elastic and sag or droop. A natural way to plump and firm the skin is to use the patient’s tissue taken from another part of the body to increase volume under the skin. Stem cells found in adipose tissue can grow into structural elements that enhance skin structure when inserted into the skin. PRP injections are often used in conjunction with fat Transfer to increase the regenerative effects. Fat Transfer only lasts around a year, even with the addition of PRP, before fat cells start to die. However, the fat transfer process can be replicated as required since adipose tissue is obtained from the patient and does not require the use of any additional chemicals or drugs.

PRP + Plasma Gel Face Filler

In aesthetic medicine, facial fillers are widely used to add volume to specific areas of the face. On the other hand, gel fillers are made of harsh chemicals that are not found in nature and are alien to the body. The patient’s plasma can be used as an alternate and similarly efficient gel filler. When injected into the face, the result is a smoother appearance. However, natural gel fillers from plasma only last three to six months; combining the treatment with PRP injections extends the filler’s lifespan.

PRP injections for the face may improve the appearance of scarred and wrinkled skin on their own. On the other hand, PRP may help enhance the effects and extend the lifetime of other medical cosmetic procedures, including face fillers. To learn more about these treatments and whether they can help you look and feel younger without surgery, schedule a consultation.

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Esthetic Dentistry Sun, 16 May 2021 11:51:28 +0000 Esthetic Dentistry Read More »


Did you know that a friendly smile has a positive impact on the people with whom you interact? If you have a service-based business or work in the service industry, a smile makes you seem more approachable and welcoming, which improves the overall customer experience. A genuine smile, in addition to other factors, makes you appear competent.

Tooth loss affects a significant percentage of adults, making it difficult for them to smile with confidence. However, all hope is not lost, as proper cosmetic dental hygiene will aid in the restoration of your smile.

Do you want to improve your smile with esthetic dental procedures? Let’s look at what esthetic dentistry is and how it can benefit you.

What Is the Purpose of Esthetic Dentistry?

Maybe you’ve heard of esthetic dentistry but aren’t sure what it is. It’s a dentistry treatment that restores chipped, worn, discolored, misaligned, bent, and stained teeth, giving you a smile makeover. During the operation, a cosmetic dentist can consult with you to determine the best course of action.

Esthetic Dentistry Types

There are various esthetic dental options available today, with dentists using a variety of tools to improve your smile. We’ll look at multiple cosmetic dental options, their advantages, and what to expect during each treatment in the sections below.

Dental Implants

Unlike in the past, when tooth loss could only be handled with dentures and bridges, missing teeth can now be replaced with dental implants. What are dental implants, exactly? These are tooth root replacements that serve as a solid basis for permanent or temporary teeth.


These esthetic dental solutions, also known as dental porcelain laminates, are produced for the primary purpose of covering the front of your teeth. Veneers are used to treat a variety of dental issues, including:

  • Teeth discoloration 
  • Teeth that have been worn down 
  • Teeth that are irregularly formed, misaligned, and uneven -Broken or chipped teeth -Teeth that have gaps

It would help if you first met with your dentist before deciding to get dental veneers.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a standard cosmetic procedure that involves using products to whiten and brighten your teeth. If you want to whiten your teeth, you have the choice of using at-home whitening products or having it done by a dentist.

Many people who conduct this procedure do so for the sole purpose of improving their appearance. Furthermore, having whiter teeth boosts your self-esteem. However, there are complications and side effects to the treatment, such as gum pain and tooth sensitivity.

Enamel Contouring and Shaping

If you have a tiny chip or a rough spot on your teeth that irritates your tongue, enamel shaping involves making simple changes to your teeth. The same methods used in teeth polishing during cleaning are used in this cosmetic dental care method.

The treatment involves removing a small portion of your tooth’s surface to make it feel cleaner, and it is performed without numbing your mouth. The main advantage of this cosmetic dental treatment is that it improves your smile.


Braces are esthetic dental appliances that are used to straighten uneven, crowded, or misaligned teeth. Wires, metal, or bonding material are used to bind them to your teeth. Orthodontists are dentists who specialize in the placement of these instruments and the alignment of teeth.

Braces are typically worn by adolescents, although they are now often worn by adults. The success rate of these cosmetic dental treatments is determined by your treatment target and the age at which you begin the procedure.

If you want your braces to work correctly, you can stop consuming those foods that can get stuck in them. These foods include:

  • Gum
  • Popcorn 
  • Hard candies

When wearing braces, you should avoid eating sugary foods, so your teeth are more susceptible to decay. Make sure you pay the orthodontist for a checkup every 8 to 10 weeks.

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Skin Resurfacing Sat, 15 May 2021 01:51:29 +0000 Skin Resurfacing Read More »


What is laser skin resurfacing?

A dermatologist or surgeon performs laser skin resurfacing, which is a type of skincare treatment. It entails the use of lasers to help enhance the texture and appearance of the skin.

Your dermatologist can prescribe either ablative or non-ablative lasers, depending on your specific needs. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Erbium are examples of ablative lasers. Scars, warts, and deep wrinkles can all be removed with CO2 laser resurfacing treatments. Erbium is a metal used to treat fine lines and wrinkles, and other superficial skin issues. Both forms of ablative lasers strip the skin’s outer layers.

Non-ablative lasers, on the other hand, do not strip any layers of the skin. Pulsed light, pulsed dye lasers, and fractional lasers are examples of these. Rosacea, spider veins, and acne-related skin conditions can all be treated with non-ablative lasers.

Please continue reading to learn more about the procedure, like how it works, why it’s performed, and potential side effects.

What to expect during the operation

Laser skin resurfacing heats the lower layers of the dermis when targeting the outer layer of the skin. Collagen production will be boosted as a result of this.

New collagen fibers can, in theory, aid in the production of new skin that is smoother in texture and firmer to the touch.

The measures in the procedure are as follows:

  • The skin must be prepared before laser skin resurfacing. A series of methods must be completed several weeks before the operation. The aim is to make your skin more resistant to professional treatments. It can also reduce the chances of experiencing adverse side effects.
  • The doctor will apply a topical anesthetic to the region to be handled on the day of the operation. This is used to make you feel relaxed during the procedure by reducing discomfort. If you have a wide area of skin to treat, your doctor can recommend a sedative or pain reliever.
  • After that, the skin is cleansed to eliminate any extra oil, dirt, or bacteria.
  • Your doctor will begin the treatment with the laser of your choice. The laser is slowly pushed across the skin’s defined region.
  • Finally, after the operation, your doctor will cover the treatment area in wraps to protect the skin.

How far does it set you back?

Medical insurance does not cover laser skin resurfacing because it is considered a cosmetic operation.

The price of a laser varies depending on the type of laser used. Non-ablative laser treatments cost around $1,031 per session, while ablative laser treatments cost about $2,330 per session.

The total cost is also determined by the number of sessions required and the region to be handled. Some dermatologists with more experience can charge more per session. You’ll probably need several laser resurfacing sessions to get the results you want.

What do we expect from the outcomes?

Non-ablative laser treatments are less likely to cause side effects, but you can need several treatments to get the results you want. On the other hand, ablative lasers can be able to resolve the issues in only one session.

Individual outcomes differ depending on the severity of the initial problems addressed. If you’ve completed your therapy sessions, you should expect your results to last for many years. The effects, however, aren’t lasting. At some point, you will need to repeat the process.

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Age Spots on Face Fri, 14 May 2021 14:51:30 +0000 Age Spots on Face Read More »


Tiny, flat dark areas on the skin are known as age spots. They come in various sizes and typically appear on sun-exposed areas like the face, hands, shoulders, and arms. Sunspots, liver spots, and solar lentigines are all terms for age spots.

Adults over the age of 50 are more likely to develop age spots, but younger people will set them if they spend too much time in the sun.

Age spots may resemble cancerous tumors. Actual age spots do not need medication, but they are a symptom of excessive sun exposure and your skin’s effort to shield itself from more sun damage. They can be lightened or omitted for aesthetic purposes.

Regularly applying sunscreen and avoiding the sun can help to prevent age spots.

Signs and Symptoms

Age spots may affect people of all skin types, but light-skinned adults are more likely to develop them. Unlike freckles, age spots do not fade, which are customary in children, and vanish with no sun exposure.

Age Spots

  • Are smooth, oval areas of increased pigmentation 
  • Usually are tan to dark brown 
  • Arise on sun-exposed skin, such as the backs of hands, tops of feet, face, shoulders, and upper back
  • Can be as small as a freckle or as large as 1/2 inch (13 millimeters) in diameter.
  • Can group, making them more visible.

When do you see a doctor?

Age spots do not necessitate medical attention. Examine any sites that are black or have changed in appearance with your doctor. Melanoma, a severe type of skin cancer, may cause these changes.

Any new skin changes should be examined by a doctor, particularly if a spot:

  • It’s black 
  • It’s getting bigger 
  • It’s got an irregular border 
  • It’s got an odd color combination 
  • It’s bleeding

Reasons for this

Pigment cells that are overactive trigger age spots. The development of melanin, a natural pigment that gives skin its color, is accelerated by ultraviolet (UV) light. When melanin becomes clumped or formed in high amounts on skin that has been exposed to the sun for years, age spots appear.

Commercial tanning lamps and beds may also cause age spots.

Preventative measures

Follow these sun-exposure guidelines to help prevent age spots and new spots after treatment:

Between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., stay out of the heat. Since the sun’s rays are strongest at this time of day, try to plan outdoor activities later in the day.

Apply sunscreen to your skin. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 15 to 30 minutes before going outside. Apply sunscreen liberally and reapply every two hours — or more often if you’re swimming or sweating heavily.

Keep your head down. Wear tightly knit clothing that protects your arms and legs, as well as a broad-brimmed hat that offers more sun protection than a baseball cap or golf visor.

Wear clothing that is built to shield you from the sun. To get the best security, look for clothing with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of 40 to 50.

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