Advanced Facial Esthetics in Modesto, CA


CARE Esthetics Modesto is here to help you get your skin goals with confidence. Their friendly and professional team offers advanced facial esthetic experience with modern and up-to-date practices, delivering optimal facial rejuvenation using holistic approaches. Moreover, they provide patients with exceptional care through their facial treatments, such as Microneedling with Platelet-Rich Fibrin, Fotona Laser therapy, natural facial fillers, and more. Visit their office to experience the wellness treatment you need for your facial esthetic needs!

Address: 1213 Coffee Rd K, Modesto, CA 95355, United States
Postal code: 95355
Phone number: 209-577-2303
Email address:
Clinic Hours:
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 7:00 am-4:00 pm
Tuesday: 7:00 am-4:00 pm
Wednesday: 7:00 am-4:00 pm
Thursday: 7:00 am-4:00 pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed

Dr. David A. Woodruff, DDS

I’ve been told that I have the sweetest, most pleasant patients. I wholeheartedly agree! Many of my patients have become my friends, and they are truly remarkable individuals. My workdays are kept interesting by serving a broad population and every member of the family, from toddlers to great-grandparents.

I aspire to be the type of dentist I would seek treatment from if I were a patient. By providing painless care customized to each individual’s goals and needs, I ensure that each individual has a positive experience and even greater results.

I began practicing dentistry in 2005, having been led to the subject by a passion for biology and science. I have always been so fascinated by how the human body functions, as well as the physics and engineering of dental materials and structures. I combine science and technical expertise with a desire to connect with my patients as a dentist.

There is a statement that goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know,” and I am aware that this is accurate. I am not the dentist I was upon graduation, and I recognize that I will improve as a dentist as I continue to expose myself to new ideas and technologies. I am dedicated to lifetime learning and am now pursuing a fellowship via the LVI Advanced Dental Esthetics and Neuromuscular Science. Additionally, I have finished the Sacramento Implant Continuum and am a member of a number of local study groups.

I was grew up in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and relocated to the Modesto area in 2007. My wife, Maryanne, and I have three boys, Ethan, Hugh, Warren, and a girl, Moira. When I’m not practicing, I always look forward to spending time with my family. We are active in our community’s 4-H programs and the Boy Scout Council. Additionally, I go camping for the weekend at least once a month—all year.

Dr. Woodruff’s education:

  • Bachelor of Science in Zoology
  • Brigham Young University
  • Doctorate of Dental Surgery, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Medical College School of Dentistry

Dr. Woodruff’s professional memberships:

  • American Dental Association
  • California Dental Association
  • Stanislaus Dental Association
  • International Association of Physiologic Aesthetics
  • CEREC® Club
  • Personal Life

Dr. Woodruff in the Community

In 2015, I stepped down as a Valley Mountain Regional Center board member to spend more time with family. Being the father of a disabled child has been a blessing in my life. He has pushed me in areas that I would not have encountered on my own, and as a result, I have matured.

I am a believer that giving back to my community helps to strengthen it. Rather than simply being a consumer, I prefer to be a contributor. In addition to assisting programs that assist those with disabilities, I am also a:

  • 4H Program Leader
  • Boy Scout Unit Leader
  • BSA Rio Del Oro District Chairman
  • Executive Board Member for the local Boy Scout Council
  • An active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Why Choose Care Esthetics

We are the leading experts in natural esthetics.

We care for your comfort and satisfaction.

We guarantee beautiful and natural-looking results.

How Can we help

If you have any questions about CARE Esthetics or any of our procedures, send us a message by filling out the form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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