Advanced Facial Esthetics in Colorado Springs, CO


Your satisfaction is their success! CARE Esthetics Colorado Springs has a service-oriented and sincerely passionate team that strives to reverse skin aging and help build patients’ self-esteem. They have the latest and best technology to promote optimal facial regeneration and help boost your beauty along with a pleasant experience. They offer CARE’s signature, prime, and traditional cosmetic treatments in a spa-like environment that provides exceptional comfort to every patient. CARE Esthetics Colorado Springs has a relaxing yet professional atmosphere during your stay, with warmable blankets and neck pillows, Netflix and Youtube streaming, and complimentary Wifi. Visit them for reliable care with remarkable results!

Address: 5426 N Academy Blvd #105, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Postal code: 80918
Phone number: 719.599.5185
Email address:
Clinic Hours:
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Tuesday: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Wednesday: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Thursday: 7:30am – 4:30pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm (by appointment only)
Saturday: Closed

Dr. Rhonda K. Bowen, DDS, PLLC

Dr. Bowen has been in the field of Dentistry for over 30 years. In addition to providing comprehensive dental care to the Colorado Springs area, she is now trained in the field of Advanced Facial Esthetics. Our office offers several modalities within the Care Esthetics regimen, including but not limited to:

  • SmoothLase (reduction of deep wrinkles)
  • SmoothEye (reduction of undereye puffiness)
  • NightLase (laser snoring treatment)
  • Laser Peel
  • PRF Injections (Platlet Rich Fibrin)
  • Microneedling w/ PRF
  • Spider Vein and Age Spot Removal
  • Bio-Filler
  • Botox Placement
  • Lip Fillers
  • Tissue Tag removal
  • Cold Sore Treatment
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Invisalign
  • Mole Removal
  • Hair Removal
  • Hair Regrowth
  • Cosmetic Veneers

Dr. Bowen is also a proud member of both Care Esthetics and the American Academy of Facial Esthetics.

Why Choose Care Esthetics

We are the leading experts in natural esthetics.

We care for your comfort and satisfaction.

We guarantee beautiful and natural-looking results.

How Can we help

If you have any questions about CARE Esthetics or any of our procedures, send us a message by filling out the form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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