Facial Rejuvenation – CARE Esthetics https://dev.care-esthetics.com Tue, 06 Jul 2021 23:35:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 https://dev.care-esthetics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/CARE-ESTHETICS-education-1-150x150.png Facial Rejuvenation – CARE Esthetics https://dev.care-esthetics.com 32 32 Basics to Facial Esthetics – Facial anatomy https://dev.care-esthetics.com/basics-to-facial-esthetics-facial-anatomy/ https://dev.care-esthetics.com/basics-to-facial-esthetics-facial-anatomy/#respond Tue, 06 Jul 2021 13:33:17 +0000 https://dev.care-esthetics.com/?p=3197 Basics to Facial Esthetics – Facial anatomy Read More »

facial anatomy image

Aging skin is an inevitable process that occurs as we gradually get older. Several factors have been associated with this process which include both genetic and environmental factors.Exposure to sun, pollution, and various chemicals have been known to cause skin and/or DNA damage speeding the aging process.A number of changes to the skin may occur as a result including skin atrophy, telangiectacia, fine and deep wrinkles, yellowing (solar elastosis) and dyspigmentation.Furthermore, a number of additional physical/environment factors including poor diet, lack of exercise, caffeine intake, smoking and drug use are additional factors known to speed the aging process.

Facial anatomy

Facial anatomy remains one of the fundamental aspects for any facial esthetic regimen and the dentist is well situated as much educational background is provided during dental school. It remains important to understand and review facial anatomy, facial features and facial landmarks to safely implement the various therapies described. The face is comprised of various layers including the skin, connective tissue, subcutaneous fat layers as well as muscles, ligaments and underlying bone. Within this network, an array of arteries, veins and nerves also exist.

As such, the role of the clinician in understanding these facial features, characteristics and the anatomy underlying the face becomes pivotal to minimize and counteract the aging process. The desire to achieve a rejuvenated look has become increasingly popular owing to its generally lower costs associated with treatment (when compared to the 90s for instance) which has made it more frequently accessible to more individuals.

Characteristics of age-related facial anatomy changes 

Regardless of how beautiful one’s appearance was in their youth, age-related changes and loss of facial volume and features is inevitable. These are often more pronounced and specific to certain areas. A gradual loss of soft tissue occurs in the upper midface region in conjunction with a downward migration of superficial buccal fat. Consequently, the upside-down triangle associated with a youthful look becomes inversed with a larger proportion of soft tissue drooping below the midface found with aging. Both males and females tend to have different ideal characteristics when assessing overall attractiveness and the rate of aging varies between all individuals based on genetics, environmental factors, sex and ethnicity.

Subcutaneous fat and connective tissue

 The subcutaneous fat embedded in the connective tissue of the face acts as a ‘volumizing cushion’ of facial soft tissues. It plays a prominent role protecting the face from external injury but also ensures a continuous supply of essential fluids and nutrients to facial tissues. In the face, areas with high fat compartments are typically well defined and homogeneous in layer. These include the cheeks, nasolabial folds, the glabella, and the jaw-chin region. In older patients, this specific tissue decreases with age with a resulting atrophy typically caused from reduced blood flow. Notice also that a very thin subcutaneous fat layer exists in the area of the temples and forehead, and almost none exists in the periorbital and perioral region. These areas are therefore more prone to wrinkles and folds with aging and are one of the first visible sign of facial aging in individuals.

Blood supply 

A prominent and complex blood vascular network exists practically throughout the entire region of the face. The peripheral skin layers receive its blood supply from fine capillary vessels. These small vessels allow adequate diffusion into all blood layers. When injecting into areas of the face, a thorough knowledge regarding the whereabouts of the major blood vessels is crucial. This will avoid potential complications related to intravascular injections, most commonly reported with fillers. Importantly, the anatomy of the facial arteries and veins is important. 


Along with blood supply to the face, a complex innervation system exists within the face mainly from 2 sources: the trigeminal and the facial nerve. The sensory innervation of the face is provided by the trigeminal nerve. This nerve is divided into 3 branches including the V1 ophthalmic nerve which exists the orbit via the supraorbital foramen and fissure and supplies sensation to the upper part of the face. The V2 maxillary nerve which exists from the infraorbital foramen and innervates the midface. And the V3 mandibular nerve that innervates the mandibular and temporal regions.

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FAQs About Microneedling with PRF https://dev.care-esthetics.com/faqs-about-microneedling-with-prf/ https://dev.care-esthetics.com/faqs-about-microneedling-with-prf/#respond Sat, 19 Sep 2020 16:16:26 +0000 https://dev.care-esthetics.com/?p=970 FAQs About Microneedling with PRF Read More »

Microneedling with PRF CARE florida

Microneedling with PRF encourages production of collagen, treats acne scarring, rejuvenates skin, removes fine wrinkles, tightens loose skin, and improves skin texture and tone.


Microneedling relies on the principle of neovascularization (new blood flow) that occurs as a result of minimal trauma, causing rapid new collagen formation of the skin surface. This is performed in an automated fashion with the Dermapen, an electrically-powered medical device

that delivers a vibrating stamp-like motion to the skin resulting in a series of micro-channels. These channels are then filled with platelet rich fibrin (PRF) or other regenerative agents to further enhance facial skin regeneration.


Typically, the skin will appear red (similar to a mild sunburn) for 24-48 hours. With PRF, downtime following therapy has been drastically reduced owing to the ability to rapidly increase the body’s own natural regenerative cells and growth factors. Almost immediately after the facial treatment procedure, your skin will generally feel tighter with greater improvements usually observed within three days. Depending on your skin color and condition, you may completely heal within 24 hours post-therapy, especially if appropriate post-treatment skin care regimen is followed.


Within 24 hours, patients will begin to notice an immediate glow of the skin. Collagen production will reach its peak around 2-4 weeks post-therapy and will continue for up to six months.


Typically, a small sample of blood is collected the same way as in a blood lab and is immediately placed in a Bio-PRF centrifugation system to concentrate cells and growth factors up to 10 times higher than what’s typically found in whole blood.This supra-concentration of blood (C-PRF) is then topically applied to the face and the micro-needling device then penetrates the cells and growth factors into various deeper layers of the skin to promote the facial regeneration process.

Generally speaking, microneedling with PRF is a go-to treatment modality for smoothing fine

lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and favors a glow-like healthy and young skin texture. This facial treatment has gained popularity in recent years, and for good reason: it works. This facial treatment can rejuvenate your skin in a completely natural way with very minimal downtime. When you add in PRF, you get double the benefits of the microneedling skin treatment.


The Center for Advanced Rejuvenation and Esthetics, or CARE, offers the best natural skin care treatments, including microneedling with PRF. By tricking your body with micro injuries, you are using your body’s natural healing abilities to create new skin, which in turn helps to eliminate the signs of aging, as well as help with skin resurfacing, healing sun damaged skin, and helping with scarring. The number of facial treatments needed varies, and the results can last up to six months. There are no chemicals involved, and this skin care treatment can be used anywhere, from your hands and face to your stomach and neck. When you call CARE for a free consultation, we’ll sit down with you to discover your skin care goals. Then we’ll come up with a personalized treatment plan to meet those goals.

If you are interested in this facial rejuvenation treatment, contact our skin care clinic today!

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What is Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)? https://dev.care-esthetics.com/what-is-platelet-rich-fibrin-prf/ https://dev.care-esthetics.com/what-is-platelet-rich-fibrin-prf/#respond Sat, 19 Sep 2020 16:09:06 +0000 https://dev.care-esthetics.com/?p=965 What is Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)? Read More »

What is Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)? CARE florida

Many people today are looking to turn back the hands of time on aging. This is partly due to the fact that we live longer, and in part, we live better. By living better, we mean that with the advancements in healthcare, you are able to physically do more as you age than in previous generations. That being said, people also don’t want to have to undergo the knife to do so, resulting in pain, scars, and weeks of recovery.


CARE, or the Center for Advanced Rejuvenation and Esthetics, offers an alternative: pioneering facial treatments and natural skin care that can give you the look you want easily. Below, we’ll take a look at one of those facial esthetic treatments: platelet rich fibrin, or PRF. Contact us to get started today!


Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a technology that uses your body’s own natural and powerful healing proteins and concentrated growth factors found within blood to rejuvenate skin, treat hair loss, and speed recovery. With a simple blood draw, a concentration of natural growth factors in your own blood can be collected and used to stimulate and treat your skin for a natural rejuvenation result. The protocols established to produce platelet rich fibrin in its most concentrated format (C-PRF) were actually developed by lead researchers at CARE Esthetics.

Following the various spin cycles, PRF injections and microneedling may then be utilized to infuse facial tissues and hair follicles with regenerative growth factors and cells that stimulate, repair, and rejuvenate damaged areas within the body. Since no additives are used, it forms a “super” blood clot with significantly elevated concentrations of regenerative cells and growth factors capable of stimulating healing. Visit us now at Lakewood Ranch Dental, division of CARE Esthetics, to learn more!

PRF is Three Times More Effective Than PRP

You may have heard of platelet rich plasma (PRP), a first generation platelet concentrate. One of the downsides of this procedure was that additional use of the anti-coagulants (chemical additives) prevents clotting and thereby diminishes the full potential benefits of platelet concentrates. Recent studies have shown that PRF is up to three times more effective than its previous PRP formulations.


Supported by the top researchers in the nation, PRF treatments can help treat a whole host of signs of aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, and more, without the use of chemicals or additives. This amazing facial treatment will have your skin looking younger and you feeling better about your looks. At the end of the day, what matters is what you think about yourself, not what others think. Call our skin care clinic today!

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Welcome to CARE! https://dev.care-esthetics.com/welcome-to-care/ https://dev.care-esthetics.com/welcome-to-care/#respond Sat, 19 Sep 2020 15:43:57 +0000 https://dev.care-esthetics.com/?p=953 Welcome to CARE! Read More »


Welcome to CARE! The Center for Advanced Rejuvenation and Esthetics offers the most advanced regenerative science for facial rejuvenation and natural skin care treatments. We offer natural skin care approaches to not only have you looking your best, but also to offer facial treatments with minimal downtimes, pain, scarring, or other adverse effects. If you sign up for our newsletter, you’ll be the first to receive special promotions, innovation, and news from the CARE team. 


Lakewood Ranch Dental is proud to announce it will now be offering all natural facial rejuvenation procedures to treat facial aging. Both Dr. Michael Kanter and Dr. Richard Miron will be heading this new division and be part of a nationally recognized new trend that favors natural facial esthetics under the name CARE Esthetics, which is short for Center for Advanced Rejuvenation and Esthetics.

We welcome you to seek out these facial treatments offered exclusively at CARE Esthetics to reverse facial aging within Lakewood Ranch Dental. We look forward to seeing you soon for a FREE complimentary consultation about all of our facial esthetic options. We are excited to showcase these new facial rejuvenation advancements, including before and after photos, to teach you more about the new technology. We welcome this new division of professional skin care within our office.

Here at CARE, we look forward to listening to your individual skin care goals and to fully address your esthetic questions. Every individual will have the opportunity to personally meet our doctor to review and establish a personalized facial treatment plan. Call us to schedule your FREE consultation and learn more about your facial aesthetic options using completely natural and healthy approaches. Take this opportunity to learn more FREE of charge and learn more about our new features within the office.


The Center for Advanced Rejuvenation and Esthetics (CARE) has partnered within the office of Lakewood Ranch Dental to offer natural approaches in facial rejuvenation. Under the direction of numerous international clinical experts in facial esthetics consisting of leading researchers in platelet concentrates (PRP/PRF) and laser therapy, a series of natural regenerative approaches and therapies are performed at CARE Esthetics to obtain beautiful and natural-looking esthetic outcomes.

CARE Esthetics understands that there are dozens of different cosmetic procedures you can undergo and partake in (not to mention hundreds of natural skin care products), and that trying to choose which is best for you can be daunting. From non-invasive to surgical procedures, how do you know which is right for you?

At CARE Esthetics, we always start with a one-on-on free consultation where we will discover your goals for how you want to look. Based on your responses, we’ll make our recommendations and tell you how we can help. Our mission is to provide you a solution to your needs, whether that is with us or not. If you are interested in learning more about our facial treatments, such as platelet rich fibrin, stay tuned for our next blog post, and contact our center for your personalized treatment plan today!

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