Be Beautiful, Feel Beautiful with Less Noticeable Lines



While our primary treatment philosophy at CARE Esthetics favors natural regenerative approaches, we want our patients to have options where they feel most comfortable.

For this reason, we also offer Botox treatments and other standard skin rejuvenation therapies in our offices around the United States.

What is Botox?

Botulinum toxin or Botox is a popular cosmetic product used to diminish signs of skin aging. It is a substance that blocks specific nerve signals and paralyzes facial muscles to prevent contraction, reducing skin wrinkles and fine lines. Botox treatment can significantly reverse skin aging when received regularly.

The uses of Botox have drastically increased over the years owing to its affordable characteristics with little to no downtime or recovery periods post-treatment.

Botox Treatments

Botox treatment is known for being an effective skin rejuvenation procedure. At CARE Esthetics, we often combine Botox with Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF), microneedling, and laser therapy to further enhance its anti-aging effects in the long run.

During your initial complimentary consultation, we will assess muscle activity in various treatment sites to determine the maximum potential benefits of the treatment.

Botox is mainly utilized to address the following skin issues:

What are the benefits of Botox Treatment?

Botox is an ideal treatment for people who want to have naturally younger-looking skin.

Here are some advantages of a Botox treatment:

Why Choose CARE Esthetics For Botox Treatment

Guaranteed safe and effective procedures

Non-surgical treatments that deliver favorable results

Short treatment duration with little to no downtime

CARE Esthetics is the leading medical spa in Florida with expertise in skin rejuvenation and regeneration.


Frequent questions about Botox

We usually recommend getting Botox every 4-6 months depending on the state of current wrinkles
and force of the various facial muscle contractions.

Botox is one of the least sensitive treatment modalities available with extremely tiny needles utilized during administration. Furthermore, an ice pack can be applied prior to, limiting discomfort nearly entirely.

Typically the treatments with Botox are very quick and effective and completed within 15-20
minutes. You may return to work directly thereafter with little to no downtime.

Within 3 to 5 days. The effects will reach their peak by day 10-14 and last up to 4-6 months.

Typically there are none. Occasionally, redness or a tiny bruise may occur at the injection site
but quite rare.

Botox Treatment Beauty Transformations