What is PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin), and how does it work?

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is a form of fibrin that contains a lot of platelets. PRF is a form of platelet-rich plasma that is called the second generation (PRP). PRF obtains platelets, white blood cells, fibrin, and mesenchymal stem cells from the patient’s blood. PRF has a slower release of growth factors than PRP and is calculated in days rather than hours. Cosmetic rejuvenation, joint pain, hair regeneration, and dental implants are only a few of the treatments used for this all-natural treatment.

What exactly is the PRF procedure?

A medical professional will extract blood from the patient and position it in a PRF tube spun in a centrifuge. PRF tubes do not contain any chemicals and are turned at a much slower rate than PRP tubes, resulting in the bulk of the cells being concentrated at the top of the PRF tube. The medical professional can remove the PRF and inject it into the patient’s intended areas through a syringe. A micro-needling system will be used in many PRF cosmetic procedures to inject the serum into the skin.

What are Platelet Rich Fibrin’s advantages?

PRF injections have similar results to PRP injections, but the growth factors are released more slowly. Since PRF can be used as a membrane, a liquid, or an injectable, it offers doctors many options.

Treatments for PRF are as follows:

  • Hair reconstruction 
  • Deflated cheeks 
  • Dental Implants 
  • Sports injuries 
  • Skin rejuvenation 
  • Loose skin and dark circles under the eyes 
  • Hair restoration 
  • Deflated cheeks 
  • Dental Implants 
  • Skin rejuvenation

PRF for Dental Implants

Many dental surgical procedures, including tooth extractions, bone grafting, dental implants, and bone pathology, use PRF. The ability of PRF to clot and generate PRF as a membrane is one of the reasons it is so common in dentistry. The growth factors help the patient recover faster, reducing pain and swelling after surgery. Wisdom tooth surgery is one of the most well-known dental procedures where PRF shines. The PRF helps the patient heal faster and reduces the risk of extraction socket infection.

What exactly is the distinction between PRP and PRF?

While platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) treat the same form of regenerative applications, there are some significant differences between the two. There are no additives in a PRF tube. PRF is spun at a slower rate than PRP, resulting in a fibrin matrix. PRF is more concerned with white blood cell growth factors. In comparison to PRP, PRF growth factors release slowly over time after injection. Find out which nonsurgical care is best for your practice by speaking with one of our experts.

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